We believe that there is but one God. We believe that He is eternal. That He always was, always is, and always will be.
We believe that God is omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing), and omnipresent (all places at once).
We believe that all things were created by Him for His purposes.
We believe in the holy Godhead (Trinity), consisting of the Father (God), the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. We believe they are One, yet Three, with distinct works and purposes.
We believe that God inspired men to write the Holy Bible. We believe that it perfectly serves the purposes that it was written for. We believe it is the Word of God, and that it is still profitable for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and for training in righteousness.
We believe that Jesus was born through the virgin Mary.
We believe Jesus lived a sinless life, and that He died a horribly grotesque death on a cross.
We believe it was God’s love for all that was in the world, and for all that was to come into the world, that motivated God to see Jesus suffer and die so that we might live.
We believe on that cross, Jesus paid the price for your sins, my sins, and even the sins of the world.
We believe after a completely physical death; Jesus’ earthly body was buried in a tomb.
We believe on the third day (not three days) Jesus rose from the tomb with a resurrected body, having all power and authority over all that is natural and supernatural.
We believe that faith in God through Jesus is the only way that a person can be reconciled to the Father.
We believe that it is impossible to love God if you won’t love your fellow human beings.
We believe that when we die, the faithful believers who depended on Christ will immediately begin experiencing God’s blessings. FOR ALL ETERNITY.
However, we believe those who will not believe, when they die, they will immediately begin experiencing God’s judgement. FOR ALL ETERNITY.
We believe God always wants and does what is best for His children.